When Should You Visit A Dermatologist? Know Here

Are you rapidly facing dandruff problems? Well, dandruff is a common chronic scalp condition marked by the flaking of the skin on your scalp. Dandruff isn't contagious or serious. But it can be embarrassing and sometimes difficult to treat.

Best Dandruff Treatment In Bangalore

Do you know the causes of dandruff? Well, your skin constantly produces new skin cells and sheds old cells to stay healthy. Dandruff can occur when this cycle of skin renewal speeds up. This leads to patches of dead skin forming on the scalp that comes away into their hair. The main causes of the flaky scalp can be due to:-

Seborrhoeic Dermatitis is a common skin condition that results from an excess of yeast on the skin and can make the scalp, face, and other parts of the body scaly, itchy, and red. There are a plethora of additional causes for dandruff. Despite the fact that it could be more noticeable if you don't wash your hair frequently, dandruff is not brought on by bad hygiene. Stress and cold weather may also make it worse. The main treatment for dandruff is anti-dandruff shampoo. There are a number of types available to buy from supermarkets or pharmacies.

You don't usually need to see your dermatologist if you have dandruff, but it’s a good idea to visit them if you’ve tried anti-dandruff shampoos for at least a month and your symptoms haven’t improved.

Dandruff is easily treatable without any medical assistance. Zinc and selenium-containing medicated shampoos can reduce flare-ups. Pay great attention to other indicators at the same time. Do the aforementioned symptoms and dandruff appear? Do the symptoms make life a little more difficult than required, which is more important? Consult a dermatologist next. Dermatologists can quickly identify a condition and its required treatments.

If you are looking for a good clinic for the best dandruff treatment in Bangalore then you can contact Dr Priya Skin And Hair Clinic. It is one of the best clinics for hair treatment. Visit the website before visiting the clinic by yourself.


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