Dandruff Treatment in Bangalore: Restoring Your Scalp Health!

Do you find yourself scratching your head throughout the day? Dandruff can be referred to as a scalp disorder that causes the scalp to flake. Depending upon the case, the severity of dandruff might fluctuate with the season but it worsens during winter. The following gives you a short insight on what the causes and symptoms of dandruff are and also unveils a short info on the best dandruff treatment in Bangalore . Symptoms of Dandruff Dandruff can be defined as a much more common scalp disorder characterized by • Flaky white to yellowish scales on the scalp • Scalp itching • Dry or oily scalp Dandruff flakes usually spread in the scalp, covering a large area, and usually yellow-tinged due to an oily scalp. Signs your Dandruff may be Severe • Large areas of redness • Severe itching and worsened flakes over time • Having the consistentsymptoms even after using shampoo for more than a month Microbial Factors Fungal Infection Malassezia, a fungus, is one of the striking factors that m...